Kementerian BUMN bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Seleksi dan Penerimaan

Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae



Kab. Sidoarjo
Terakhir login 44 menit yang lalu

Media Social

Saya merupakan mahasiswi S1 semester 6 Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis jurusan Manajemen. Visi saya yaitu menjadi generasi yang kaya akan pengetahuan dan kebermanfaatan bagi orang lain.

Sedang berjalan
Universitas Negeri Surabaya

S1 Manajemen Administrasi IPK 3.72

Oktober 2021

SMA/SMK Pemasaran Nilai rata-rata: 3.89

Oktober 2024 - Desember 2024
Internship Mahasiswa Administrasi & Layanan SDM SPTP_Batch 4_2024
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Magang

Januari 2024 - Sekarang
Senator of Commision II (Institutional)

Majelis Permusyawaratan Mahasiswa (MPM UNESA 2024) Organisasi

1. Student Representative, represents the faculty in university highest legislative organization
2. Supervised all organizational activities within the universities
3. Organized entire student advocacy system in university
4. Become the Chief Executive of Advocacy Training with 100+ participant registered
5. MC Legislative Training MPM UNESA 2023
6. Event Coordinator Comparative Study with Diponegoro University Semarang 90+ Participant

Januari 2024 - Januari 2024
Marketing Corporate & Partnership (CSR)

Laznas LMI (Lembaga Zakat Nasional) Magang

1. Passed Internship MSIB 6 Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
2. Making 10+ Proposal partnership, Collaborate with 10+ Corporate and partnership in CSR Corporate / LMI Event
3. Recapitulate and calculating all office regional fundraising finance collection data more than 1 Billion
4. Becomes Public Relations with all collaborating companies, and committee member of 3+ LMI Event

September 2023 - Sekarang
Main Member

Youth Ranger Indonesia Organisasi

1. Indonesian National Youth Forum which is engaged in empowering and improving the quality of human resources
2. Supervised 5 Provincial youth program, Participating in International program with ASEAN Youth Organization

Mei 2023 - Februari 2024
Vice Manager External Affairs Communication

TEDx Universitas Negeri Surabaya Organisasi

1. Coordinated collaborating with 6 Inspirational Speakers, 30 media partner and 10 external community partnerships
2. Organized public relation, attended by 100+ Participants from various universities
Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen - Surabaya, East Jav

April 2023 - April 2024
Human Resources Staff

Generasi Baru Indonesia (GenBI UNESA 2023 ) Organisasi

1. Become the Chief Executive of Inspiratalks 1 & 2 GenBI UNESA × AIESEC UGM × IISMA Awardee Spain with 90+ registrans
2. Moderator & MC in 7+ Activities GenBI UNESA
3. Event Coordinator & Comitee in 12+ Event GenBI UNESA
4. Received award become Best Staff of The Periode

Maret 2023 - Januari 2024
Staff Internal & Human Resources Development

Sennyum Anak Nusantara (SAN Sidoarjo) Organisasi

November 2022 - Mei 2023
Ticketing Team Officer

Hypenamic Event / CV. Aldi Production Part Time

1. Developing and implement an efficient system for ticket distribution (Booth and web payment)
2. Create and send ticket invitations, Monitor and track ticket sales, with 50.000+ ticket sold
3. Process and update ticket information in the ticket database, Selling tickets at the event venue and outside the event venue

Juli 2022 - Desember 2022
Marketing & Event Planning

PT. Graha Pena Jawa Pos Magang

1. Developed strategic partnership with business partners and 20+ external stakeholders
2. Planned 5 event planning with the employees and determine the most potential events
3. Making 6 cooperation proposals and marketed promotional collaborations

Januari 2022 - Desember 2022
Reasoning and scientific division staff

Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Manajemen Organisasi

1. Participating as a committee at 15+ succesful event
2. Become the Chief Executive of International Management Business Case Competition 2022, With 186 Team Participant, 550 Student Registered,
6 Sponsored, And Collaboration Case Study with LOKALATE Product PT.Nutrifood Indonesia.
3. Become the Event Coordinator of International Management Business Case Competition 2023, With 210 Team Participant, 620 Student Registered, 10 Sponsored, And Collaboration Case Study Product From Astra Daihatsu HR. Muhamad Surabaya

Januari 2021 - Januari 2021
Marketing Communication

PT. Matahari Dept Store. Tbk Magang

Assist with daily operations, including payments, cash registers, and income reports, while managing sales and inventory data
• Participate in inventory audits and address stock discrepancies
• Provide customer service and support promotional activities
• Maintain records of sales and inventory, preparing reports for management
• Collaborate with teams to ensure smooth operations and effective communication

Januari 2019 - Januari 2020
Administrative & Communication Retail

PT. Alfaria Trijaya. Tbk (Sidoarjo) Magang

Assist with daily operations, including payments, cash registers, and income reports, while managing sales and inventory data
• Participate in inventory audits and address stock discrepancies
• Provide customer service and support promotional activities
• Maintain records of sales and inventory, preparing reports for management
• Collaborate with teams to ensure smooth operations and effective communication

Hard Skills:
Pengembangan Bisnis
Desain Grafis
Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
Penelitian & Intelijen Pemasaran
Strategi & Perencanaan Pemasaran
Pengembangan Organisasi
Pengetahuan Produk
Manajemen Produk
Manajemen Proyek
Keterampilan Manajemen Proyek
Manajemen Risiko
Perencanaan & Evaluasi Penjualan
Manajemen Strategis
Perencanaan strategis
Analisis data SDM
Berbicara di depan umum

Soft Skills:
Mendengarkan aktif
Berpikir kritis
Pengumpulan Informasi
Kemampuan Interpersonal
Penyelesaian masalah
Pengambilan risiko
Pembangunan Tim
Kerjasama Tim
Manajemen waktu