Kementerian BUMN bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Seleksi dan Penerimaan

Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae

Qoirunnisaa Mauliya Wardani

Qoirunnisaa Mauliya Wardani

Kota Adm. Jakarta Timur
Terakhir login 6 hari yang lalu


A 3rd year student at Accounting UI, have a great interest in education and business development. Experienced in coaching colleges & students and project management. People usually describe me as a hard worker, passionate, and genial person.

Sedang berjalan
Universitas Indonesia

S1 Akuntansi IPK 3.72

Sedang berjalan
Universitas Indonesia

S1 Akuntansi IPK 3.72

Juni 2024 - Agustus 2024
Business Support Internship
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Magang

Februari 2024 - Maret 2024
KPPS Member

KPU RI Part Time

Responsible for registration for 290 voter lists; Supervised polling stations, overseeing the vote count for national elections, including President & Vice
President, DPD, DPR RI, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/city DPRD, ensuring accuracy and transparency in the electoral process.

Februari 2024 - Juli 2024
Finance Officer


- Verified over 750 payment and sales transactions by ensuring document completeness, validating supporting
evidence, and checking compliance with standards
- Successfully identified more than 45 errors and irregularities in transactions and over 50 recording and
journaling errors through the entity's internal audit
- Lead and contribute greatly in designing and implementing accurate daily income reports from sales
transactions and receivables
- Actively engage in effective communication and confirmation with the CPO, contributing significantly to
improving accuracy and efficiency in payment and sales procedures

Agustus 2023 - Desember 2023
Asisten Dosen Pengantar Akuntansi

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - Universitas Indonesia Part Time

- Menyiapkan bahan ajar untuk kelas tutorial mata kuliah Pengantar Akuntansi
- Mengajar kelas tutorial setiap minggu
- Menyiapkan latihan soal rutin dan kuis
- Memeriksa hasil kuis dan ujian

April 2023 - Januari 2024
Kepala Departemen Sosial Masyarakat

Forum Studi Islam FEB UI Organisasi

- Memimpin koordinasi untuk pengerjaan program kerja
- Menjaga kekompakan tim
- Meningkatkan pengembangan diri untuk anggota tim
- Program kerja : Bakti sosial, Social Update, Silaturahmi dengan civitas, Social Challenge

Januari 2023 - Juli 2023
Vice Head Coordinator of Teaching and Learning

Student Development & Achievement and Cummunity Organisasi

- Managed fundamental coaching activities for 7 classes
- Liaison between the coaches and members
- Devise the syllabus

September 2022 - Mei 2023
Staff Aesthetic Design and Documentation Division

International Accounting Fair Organisasi

- Menyiapkan keperluan desain dan publikasi organisasi
- Mendokumentasikan kegiatan organisasi

Agustus 2022 - Desember 2023
Tutoring Teacher

KANOPI FEB UI Pekerja Lepas

- Teaching 25+ groups for Basic Mathematic for Economics & Business subject
- Teaching 5+ groups for Introduction to Economics subject

Agustus 2021 - Maret 2022
Sales Representative

Salam Cendekia Part Time

- Bertanggung jawab secara langsung terhadap proses branding, meningkatkan omzet penjualan, update perubahan trend pasar, dan menjaga komunikasi dengan konsumen
- Received the best staff award
- Surpassing the target number of members and partnership

Agustus 2023
Awardee Medical Grand Challenge

National University Singapore -

Participate in a business planning competition by submitting a DiabEats application innovation proposal that can help the diet of diabetes sufferers

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Oktober 2022
Top 20 Finalist

Open Innovation IMERI FK UI 2022 S- 1234/UN2.F1.IMERI/PDP.00.07.01/2022

Take part in the business planning competition by submitting a DEMION application innovation proposal that can help maintain a person's mental health

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Mei 2022
Social Media Marketing Fondations

LinkedIn Learning ATaBesE0X2Pm3371enu06dW16tvq

Mendapatkan online course tentang pemasaran melalui sosial media

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Agustus 2021
Sekolah Mapres UIAC 2021

UI Achievement Community -

Mengikuti rangkaian kelas online dan offline mengenai tips untuk menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi dengan tema acara "Grow Ourselves as an Outstanding Student"

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Hard Skills:
Analisa Data
Strategi Bisnis
Manajemen Akuntansi Biaya
Desain Grafis
Manajemen Akuntansi Keuangan
Manajemen Keuangan
Proyek Microsoft
Manajemen Proyek
Keterampilan Manajemen Proyek
Peramalan Anggaran Penjualan
Kepemimpinan Tim

Soft Skills:
Berorientasi pada detail
Penyelesaian masalah
Kerjasama Tim
Manajemen waktu
Etiket tempat kerja