Kementerian BUMN bersinergi dengan seluruh BUMN di Indonesia untuk dapat memberikan kesempatan magang bagi mahasiswa dan fresh graduate baik lulusan dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.


Seleksi dan Penerimaan

Cara Melihat Status Pendaftaran
Curriculum Vitae

Bia Alvasa

Bia Alvasa

Kota Bekasi
Terakhir login 1 hari yang lalu

A fresh psychology graduate who focuses on industrial and organizational psychology. I have a strong understanding of psychological test tools in terms of personality tests, interest aptitude tests, graphic tests, and inventory tests.

Juni 2023
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang

S1 Psikologi IPK 3.73

Desember 2024 - Juni 2025
Internship Recruitment Officer - KFHO
Verified intern of Logo Magenta

PT Kimia Farma Tbk Magang

Desember 2023 - Desember 2023
HR Recruiter

XYZ Goat Pekerja Lepas

- Able to carry out end to end recruitmentlooking for candidates
- Looking for senior iOS Engineer candidates
- Creative promotion of vacancies on job search platforms

Juli 2022 - Juni 2023

Labpratorium Psikologi Terapan dan Kesehatan Mental Pekerja Lepas

- Become a tester in conducting psychological tests at elementary, middle, and high school levels
Master more than 10 psychological test tools used in conducting psychological tests
- Able to carry out scoring and interpretation of psychological test tools used in psychological testing
- Read the interpretation of psychological test tools

Juni 2022 - Agustus 2021

Biro SDM POLDA Jawa Timur Magang

-Assisting in a series of Bagpsi events, namely SPCP IPDN Selection, BANWASLU Selection and Adjutant Selection Test
-Providing regular psychological counseling every week to prison detainees at the East Java POLDA
-Assist in providing counseling for East Java BRIMOB who will be on duty
-Assist in providing counseling to members who have problems
-Become a Firearms Psychological Tester, both individual and classical, held by several police stations in East Java
-Manage scoring results from firearms psychological tests with more than 200+ members
-Mastering the administration of Kreaplin, WARTEG, PAPI- Kostick, HTP, TIU and Army Alpha test equipment
-Assist in providing psychoeducation regarding Narcotics to Senior High Schools

Juni 2022 - Juni 2023
Assiten Laboratorium

Laboratorium Psikodiagnostik dan Alat Ukur Magang

- Teaching courses on psychological testing tools such as inventory tests, aptitude and interest tests, intelligence tests, and graphic tests to all psychology students in semesters 3, 5, and 6
- Master the administration and scoring of more than 20 psychological test tools
Serving the administrative process of lending laboratory psychological test equipment to students
- Collaborated with the team in conducting practical psychology test equipment courses which were attended by 300+ psychology students
- Collaborate with lecturers in 4 different scientific research titles
- Manage laboratory inventory tools so that they are recorded and structured
- Create an administration book for all psychological test equipment owned by the psychodiagnostic laboratory and measuring instruments
- Study various types of data analysis of psychological measuring instruments using SPSS and RStudio
- Assisted in the process of recruiting new members for psychodiagnostic laboratory assistants and measuring instruments which was attended by more than 50 participants. The recruitment process was carried out starting with searching for candidates, screening resumes, TPA tests, psychological tests, individual interviews, forum group discussions and finally selecting prospective candidates.

Juli 2021 - Sekarang
Social Networking

Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Organisasi

Hard Skills:
Analisa Data
Manajemen Proyek

Soft Skills:
Berpikir kritis
Penyelesaian masalah
Kerjasama Tim